Posts filed under ‘Cultural Events’
Posted: 06/10/12 Categories: APTN, Cultural Events, Geminis, Leo Awards, Prarie Dog Film and Television
I was fortunate to be part of a remarkable and gutsy award winning show in 2011, “Blackstone.” Following is a list of peer and industry recognition: 2 Geminis Best Achievement in Main Title Design Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role – Michelle Thrush 4 Leos Best Dramatic Series – Blackstone […]
Posted: 01/05/12 Categories: APTN, Cultural Events, Prarie Dog Film and Television, Vancouver photo blog
On January 11th Blackstone Season 2 premiers on APTN! I have pulled together a collection of some of the best behind the scenes images from the second season as a thank you to the amazing cast and crew. For more information on the Blackstone series, you can go to one of the following links. […]
Posted: 05/16/11 Categories: Cultural Events, Dance, Dance Photography, Vancouver photo blog
I am always so thrilled to be in the company of such creators as Kevin, Yvonne and Robert. Choreographing this piece took nearly a year and three different cities and I was lucky enough to see it all come together. “Level on my Level” premiered with three other choreographies and was presented by Danceworks in […]
Posted: 01/19/11 Categories: Actors headshot, Auditions, Cultural Events, Headshots, Publicity Package, Structured improvisation, Talent Agents, Vancouver actors, Vancouver photo blog
My approach to all of my photography wether it is unit stills, fine art, or actor headshots is that there should be something that catches the viewer, something that excites the the person looking at the photograph. In my opinion this is not only the goal of photography but of all art and all […]
Posted: 10/20/10 Categories: Cultural Events, Dance, Dance Photography, Next Steps, ProArteDanza
I have had some time to spend out east in September, and had the good fortune to photograph ProArteDanza’s first feature length work “…in between…” at the Fleck Dance Theater in Toronto. There may be nothing a I like more than shooting production stills for dance because you are tested physically and mentally to be […]
Posted: 06/15/10 Categories: Actors headshot, Cultural Events, Headshots, Publicity Package, Vancouver actors, Vancouver photo blog
What’s an actor Headshot Make Over? The makeover session is a complete review of everything about you your look, where you are in your career and where you are going or want to go. If you are starting out, mid career or a well established artist, we put a complete package together. Age, coloring, emotional […]
Posted: 05/07/10 Categories: Actors headshot, Cultural Events, Headshots, Vancouver actors, Vancouver photo blog
(Constanze Mozart digital reproduction of oil portrait by Hans Hansen circa 1802) READY FOR A MAKEOVER? The Olympics have come and gone, spring is here and now the production season is soon going to be in full swing. That means its time to brush up your look. On May 26th/27th/28th I am opening my studio […]
Posted: 03/27/10 Categories: Cultural Events, Film Events, Film Festivals, Film Screenings, Film Stills, Genie Awards, Vancouver actors
GENIE AWARDS WESTERN NOMINEE RECEPTION ON MARCH 22ND 2010 AT THE SHANGRI-LA HOTEL VANCOUVER The nominations for the 30th Annual Genie Awards were announced this month by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television at a press conference in Toronto hosted by Gordon Pinsent (three time Genie Award winner) and Tatiana Maslany (Special Jury Prize, […]
Posted: 02/01/10 Categories: Cultural Events, Film Events, Film Screenings, Film Stills, Vancouver photo blog
Its a hard thing to keep up with all the publishing isn’t it? Back in February 2009 I presented James Longley’s “Iraq in Fragments” at our weekly Tuesday night gathering at the Vancouver Film School theatre. Created by Dave Rocnin and Kryshan Randel the “VFS Movie Night” was conceived to introduce significant cinematic works both […]
Posted: 11/22/09 Categories: Cultural Events, Film Events, Film Stills, Publicity Package, Vancouver photo blog
“A popular part of Motion Picture Industry Week in Vancouver, Career Expo ’09 offers a rare point of access to the people, organizations and companies that make the Motion Picture and New Media Industry tick!” Yes and this early shot of the day showing all the exhibitors and the beautiful Roundhouse Community Center, a perfect […]